"What can you tell me?" I questioned. The man stayed in the shadows, and had I not been meeting him for such a serious reason, I would have laughed at his similarities to every secret informant in every espionage movie I'd ever seen. But make no mistake, there was no doubt in my head, even then, that I would do anything within my power to save her, even if it meant that I had to travel all the way around the world to do it.

"Please be more specific."

"About Synchro Systems, that's as good a place as any to start."

"The files that we recovered with pertinent information on Synchro were minimal, at best, but it appears that they were operating under an umbrella research project. Something about psychology and computer analysis of the process of memory, that’s what their cover story was. But it went a lot deeper than that. The public, of course, had no idea, and any investigating agencies were turned away or paid off, none the wiser about Synchro’s construction of actual devices that could be used to alter the way that people were thinking. We’re still not sure how it worked or how far along they made it into the project, but you should probably start by looking for former employees and research agents of the company. I’ve been keeping tabs on this guy for at about five months,” he handed me a slip of paper with a name typed on it. “He’s local, so you should be able to track him down. He probably can send you higher up the company roster if you can figure out a way to coerce him. I doubt you’ll need the inspiration for that. It seems that Synchro’s plans for your girlfriend involved the extraction of information from her memory for use in one of their research models. I’ve apparently misinterpreted the function of the devices, though, since you’re telling me that she had amnesia when you met her. The information I’ve got points to a woman of her description receiving treatment in one of their offices, shortly before you say that you met her. I'd be willing to bet that they’re the same person.”

 Speaking Louder Than We Usually Do ----