
When I slept, I dreamt, and while I wouldn't call the dreams nightmares, they definitely were frightening to me, and I was unsure about their basis in reality, but I knew that they were my mind's reflections of the past few months, and more specifically, the past day's events.

I didn't answer because I couldn't find my voice, and all of a sudden a darkness started moving towards her from the far end of the hallway. It was right behind her, like a vast shadow, except that it was much more substantial than a shadow; it was almost like the distance and imagery behind her was being erased with each moment that passed.

She didn't notice the panicked look on my face; she just kept smiling at me, doodling little neon designs with her finger on the glass. I started pointing frantically to the approaching blackness behind her, but she didn't respond. She didn't react at all to me.

As it came closer to her, it took on the shape of what appeared to be a giant angel or demon, wings spreading out of the blackness and taking shape, and then whatever it was took on the more recognizable dimensions of a man, except with wings. When the eyes of this creature opened, they were the color of fire, and I finally cried out, punching at the mirror as hard as I could. The glass broke into thousands of pieces and fell away. Blood dripped from my hand to the bathroom floor, quickly forming a puddle much like the one that was caused by the overflowing sink back in the apartment, back on Day One.