
When poisoning a stranger

"Slowly," he says. "Very slowly. So that they never know what has happened to them. Then they're dead, and it's too late to ask." He smiles at me, waiting for me to laugh at his joke. I don't understand the punch line.

"I don't get it," I tell him.

"Eh," He pauses, wiping the countertop where the condensation from glasses has collected. "Jokes aren't for everyone. Want another drink? You went through that one pretty quickly."

I looked down, surprised at myself. I really had finished the pint off a lot more quickly than I thought.


"Coming right up," he said, happily making another sale. "You meeting someone?" he asked.

"If they show up, I am."

"They usually show up," he told me. Like he knew the kind of person I was waiting on. 

I glanced over my shoulder at Janine and her boyfriend. He looked away, quickly. Too obvious. She smiled, bounced in her seat a little, and gave me a thumbs up. Too obvious. 

And too late. Partain sat down on the barstool beside me.