Janine's boyfriend sipped at his pint of beer, keeping an eye on the back door for us.

"Do you think that this guy will show up?" He asked.

"I'm starting to notice a theme, here," Janine quipped.

"We've had pretty good luck, so far." I said. I hoped that our good luck would continue. It seemed like we had a lot of leads that only led us to other leads, and everyone that we spoke to was passing us on towards someone else. With each pass, we gained a little bit more useful information, though, so I wasn't about to start complaining.

Janine's boyfriend seemed nervous, and understandably so. She'd told him that I had to meet a potential investor in a fairly shadowy business venture and that I just needed someone to play lookout, in case the potential investor decided to bring along some less-than-friendly additional guests. He told her not to tell me his name, for some reason, though I already knew it. I guess he didn't really know how well she knew us, but I played along, even telling him that it was a good idea to remain anonymous. At least part of what we told him was the truth.

Partain wasn't due to arrive for another 10 or 15 minutes, so I lit another cigarette.

"Just make sure that you turn the camera on," I said to Janine, nodding towards her digital camera.

"Got it," she said. "Up the sleeve, arm over the back of the booth."

She wore a really baggy jacket with loose sleeves into the bar that day. To a casual observer, it would probably only appear that she had her arm around her boyfriend while they shared a drink.