


Press inquiries that only you and the ghost would know the answers to? 
Is there a limit to common knowledge, to that knowledge which is attainable through conversations, songs, and writings? 
A limit to detail that outside observers will retain? 
Is there truly anything that only you and the ghost can know, some small detail that you both will remember, something that no one else can attest to as truth or untruth, as fact or fiction? 
And how does one test the ceiling of said limitations whilst retaining conversation with aforementioned ghost? 
Isn’t it proven, time and again, throughout history, that something too good to be true inevitably is, that nothing comes without cost (material, tangible, or otherwise), and that wishes really don't come true?

And do you invite the ghost inside, and embrace it, and love it anyway, or follow the ghost to where ever it resides, dedicating everything, sacrificing everything - just to prove that there's something more in the world, the universe, besides the various (and mundane) processes of the life cycle?

I suppose that there is no right answer, and that one must simply walk to the edge of the world, and peer off into the blackness and darkness of forever, and take a step - quite possibly, or better yet, most likely, to fall and to perish. But there is still the chance, no matter how infinitesimal, that one will do anything but plunge into the depths and lose life, and if such a thing exists, the soul; that one will fly, or metamorphose, or begin again, and that all of the theories and hypotheses and previously set examples will be proven wrong...

Or maybe it's better stated that there must be the chance that one will simply not fall...