"Things are about to get really choppy."

I instinctively ducked down, though the more immediate danger seemed to be Hunter's driving. I turned towards Janine, making sure that she was okay. She had stopped praying, but still had her eyes closed. She gripped with seat so tightly that her knuckles had turned white. There was a loud bang followed by the entire truck tilting to the right. Everything seemed to move in slow motion after that.

"We just lost a tire!" Hunter informed us.

I started to ask if it was because the people behind us had shot it, but then decided that it didn't really matter what the reason was, just that something bad was about to happen as a result of it.

Everything tilted. Cargo doors flew open, spilling clothing, boxes of food, cans of soup, circuit boards, and other strange paraphernalia out into the cabin of the truck.

"Hold on," Hunter said. "Things are about to get really choppy."

Who is watching us?  What are they seeing?