It was true.

There were no vehicles in the lot, no security men had arrived to tell us to leave the area, and there didn't appear to be any human activity going on around any of the buildings at all.

"We're at the wrong place," Janine decided.

"We're not at the wrong place," Hunter argued with her. "This is the ONLY place out here!"

"Don't be such a jerk," she said to him, scowling. "You don't know me well enough to act like that."

"That exactly why I can act like that, kid. If you forgot, I was trying to give you a ride out here, and that's it. It's your fault that I wrecked my RV and ended up having to camp out in the woods on some wild goose chase to track down his girlfriend!" Hunter exclaimed. "Now that we're here, let's do this. Otherwise, why'd we even bother?"

I looked back at her. She looked like she was about to cry. I felt uncomfortable with Hunter bringing up his doubts about things, but knew they were legitimate. I felt guilty about his truck. But we needed to get into that building, somehow, and the two of them fighting wasn't going to make that happen.