Janine stirred and sat up, rubbing her eyes.

"Getting the low down?" she asked me, yawning and stretching.


"Working on it. Do you need a recap?"


"Oh, no. I’ve heard it all already." She scratched her side, and then stood up. "Pretty crazy, huh? Quitting my job suddenly doesn't seem so important anymore, not when you have crazy brainwashing and the kind of corporate espionage you only hear about in movies going on!"

I wished that I could share her positive attitude about things, but it didn't seem to be a healthy, realistic outlook. The way I saw it, some mad scientist types had experimentally brainwashed my girlfriend and couldn’t undo what they’d started, and now she had vanished, supposedly seeking out whoever had been messing around inside of her head, and I wasn't happy about much of anything at all.