
I took the extra blanket out and placed it over her, tucking the corners underneath her body. she smiled a little, murmuring something that I couldn't understand, and I was glad that she was showing signs of improvement.

Hunter took a small twig from the brush beside us and set it on fire using the hot coals from our little bonfire, and he used the twig to light his cigarette. he took a long drag off of it, then leaned back a little bit as he blew the smoke out into the air above his head.

"I haven't really smoked very much lately, kind of gave it up," he said, taking another drag. it looked like he was enjoying the cigarette, and I regretted giving the rest of the pack to him already. "I’ve been on a health kick for a while now, you know. eat the right food, work out, go jogging, not too much television or caffeine or alcohol allowed. guess that's all so much bullshit."

he shifted a little, getting comfortable, and then he crossed his legs. he looked like a modernized Indian chief, preparing to give a speech at a tribal meeting around the fire. I chuckled a little at the thought of it.