.- / .-.. --- - / --- ..-. / - .... .. -. --. ... / - --- / - .... .. -. -.- / .- -... --- ..- - / --..-- / / -... ..- - / .. / .-- .- -. - . -.. / -- --- .-. . / .- -. ... .-- . .-. ... / ..--.. /
"Quit asking. The answers are a lot more simple than you’re probably willing to believe," he said, opening the door. "It’s time for me to leave. Thanks for your hospitality."

"Will we see you again, Thomas?" I asked, hoping to bait him back into conversation.

"It’s a small world, after all," he replied, and then he left, closing the door behind him.

"Strange man," she said.

"What do you think he did, really, to make us forget the ride home?" I asked her. I was genuinely concerned, though she seemed more entertained by making him uncomfortable than interested in finding any conclusive answers.

"Amnesia gas?" she suggested, jokingly.

"It’s a step up from putting something in our drinks," I replied, still wondering.

"It was definitely strange, but ultimately, he got us home, safe and sound, and really quickly, so I’m not going to worry about it."

I wished that I could share her dismissal of the mystery, and I guess that in time, I did.

Who is watching us?  What are they seeing?