I turned to follow Janine in the direction of the RV. She had already arrived and was speaking with the man who she had called to from across the parking lot. He wore a red checked flannel shirt that looked like he hadn't washed it in years, and his modern-looking glasses slid down his nose as he explained to Janine that his engine had overheated and that it looked like he was stranded in the parking lot for the night.

Janine raised an eyebrow and looked under the hood, immediately commencing tinkering with the workings of the engine. The man and I both peered over her shoulder, trying to see what she was up to.

"You’re in my light," she said, and we moved out of the way. "Can you pass me a screwdriver?"

"Hold on for a sec," The man said, walking over to a small red toolbox, where he evidently kept a screwdriver. He passed her the tool, and a few moments later, she was closing the hood of the RV.

"Try to start it," she ordered, smugly sticking her hands into her pockets after wiping them off on her pants. He hopped into the driver’s seat and turned the ignition switch. The engine started on the first try.

"Very impressive mechanical work going on there, and now it runs so quietly!" the man said, still talking to Janine and ignoring me.

"A little trick I picked up dating a mechanic," she replied.

299,792,458 meters per second

186,282.397 miles per second

300,000 km/s and 186,000 miles/s