she said she said she said she said she said she said she said she said

My dream began much like my day had, except in my dream, I woke up in someone else's house. The bathroom was in the same place as in my apartment, and she was standing in front of the mirror, calling to me.

"Wake up," she said, her voice almost musical, as if she were singing me awake. I climbed out of bed and tripped over some metal pieces, falling to the floor. I gave the metal pieces a more thorough look, and I realized that they were the remains of what looked like it could have been picture frames, scattered all over the floor of the bedroom. I got back to my feet and went into the bathroom, but she was no longer there.

"Hello?" I asked, peeking behind the shower curtain, expecting to see her there, washing her hair, or maybe just hiding like a little kid would, trying to scare me. But she wasn't in the shower, either. 

She was, strangely enough, on the other side of the mirror.

"I miss you," she said, holding her hand up to the glass. 

I could see condensation forming around her hand on the surface of the mirror, which I was translating more into a type of window than anything else, since there was a wall behind me, towel hanging up, and there was a vast hallways behind her, leading off into the distance behind her. I assumed, for a moment, that wherever she was cold, since there condensation was forming, but then I realized that there was fog on my breath, and that there were frost patterns around the edges of my side of the mirror.

"I miss you," she said, holding her hand up to the glass.