Safety First!
I woke up when my face hit the floor of the RV. Random objects were flying all around me and all I could really focus on was the way the carpet looked. I heard Janine repeating the word "concentrate" to herself, and tried to get a handle on what was going on. I was still groggy from sleeping so heavily, but I forgot the dream I had just had for a while after that, instead focusing on more immediate events at hand.

I looked up and saw Janine leaning against the cabin wall, one hand helping her balance as the RV rocked around, bucking as if it were trying to throw us out of it, the other hand pressed against her head. Her eyes were closed and she seemed to be doing a pretty good job concentrating on whatever it was that she was trying to focus on, because she didn't react at all to the swiveling captain's chair that kept banging into her leg in rhythm with the RV's chaotic motion.

Hunter was buckled into the driver's seat, wrestling with the steering wheel and craning his head to check in the mirrors. He wasn't doing as good of a job watching the road ahead of us as he was watching whatever it was that was behind us, obviously, which had led to my fall from the bunk in the first place. I'm not sure how I’d slept through the chaos previous to that moment, but I remember thinking that it was already becoming the kind of bad habit that I needed to break: sleeping through disaster after disaster, while apparently keeping me alive, was also keeping me dangerously misinformed as to what was going on.

"What’s going on?" I yelled across the RV.

"You’re not going to believe it until you see it!" Hunter exclaimed, still concentrating most of his attention on the mysterious events behind us.

"TREE!" I yelled back at him, watching the road ahead of us for him. He swerved the RV, hard, setting it into another wave of bounces and rocking, as new items came dislodged from wherever he had them stowed away at. At least none of the stuff getting trashed from all of the terrible driving was ours, I thought, since we left in so much of a hurry that we didn't even pack anything up. It was a good thing that he didn't have any pets on board. I always had thoughts like that at the weirdest moments, anyway.

"This damn rig is too damn slow!" Hunter yelled in frustration, punching the steering wheel.

Play it safe! Buckle your seatbelt! Pay attention to traffic devices!
