The phone was ringing. Was I asleep, so soon? What was the dream, fading around the edges at first, into nothingness? The bed was warm, the sheets soft. It was dark outside; it must have been late. For a moment, I thought she was beside me again, I thought that I could feel her hair spilling off of her pillow into my mouth. I licked my lips and they tasted like her skin. The dream continued to fade. The phone continued to ring.

I reached over to the nightstand, knocking the phone onto the floor. I still wasn't used to having it in the bedroom, where I’d moved it in the hopes that she'd call. I didn't want to miss that call. It was hard to focus; my eyes weren't cooperating with me, my reflexes were all out of sync.

I retrieved the telephone from the floor, mumbling out an apology for all of the commotion.

"I have the information that you're looking for," a woman said to me.

"Information?" I asked. "Who is this?"

"I organized a meeting you recently had in a parking garage. Do you recall the situation that I'm talking about?" she asked me.

Things quickly came into focus.

"I do," I said.

"Listen to me. We are sending someone to meet with you."

Posted by (NAME REMOVED) on (DATE REMOVED, 2xxx: 00:08):



"What kind of meeting is this? Where at?"


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Posted by (NAME REMOVED) on (DATE REMOVED, 2xxx: 00:09):

"It's an important kind of meeting," she stated. "The kind of meeting that you won't want to miss, especially given your recent queries at the offices of Synchro Systems."

"How do you know about that?" I asked her, surprised. "Do you work for Synchro?"

She ignored both questions.



Posted by (NAME REMOVED) on (DATE REMOVED, 2xxx: 00:17):

"A gentleman will arrive in a car for you in front of your house in ten minutes. Be outside. He will not wait."

She hung up. The line went dead. I placed the phone back on the receiver and then set everything back onto the nightstand. I walked over to the window and looked out onto the street below. Raining. Shit. What kind of car? What kind of meeting?




I grabbed a jacket and headed outside.
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